Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shopping tips - one - Buyer beware

Another tip for the wise about consumer products.

1. Never - ever - buy supa-glue from a crazy clarks type store: you know the ones I mean.
They come in packs of 8 or 10 for $2:00. Over the last 2 years I have bought these packs and still I forget NOT too. I bought 2 of 8 packs just last week and every one of the tubes was empty - nothing but compressed air.[ No I don't keep EVERY receipt, especially for such a small buy ]. There is no use bitchin to the store, they don't give a toss unless you have a receipt but I am going to find out WHO manufactures these and do some thing about it. All up, I recon I am out of pocket at least $50 over the last year from this sort of crap. The glue should not evaporate in a sealed tube unless the stock is about 10 years old [ which might be the case of some wholesaler trying to dump a sh*t load of the stuff ]. I might go back, buy a pack and then open every one in front of the store manager and show him how he is being screwed ].

2. This is an IMPORTANT shopping tip. I really get pissed off when I see adds for woollies telling the public how cheap they are. Of all the stores, woollies uses the rotation technique along with their goods suppliers. Learn how it's done and save a bucket load [ by NOT buying anything in the store except the bloody enticers - if you NEED them ]
There are several major manufactures that do this across all woollies owned stores [ and Coles as well - but Coles is a lot cheaper over ALL products, it's just that Coles will refuse to stock certain items because THESE manufactures try the bully boy tactics as far as pricing goes ]good-on-you Coles.Some manufacturers plead 'low on stock' to raise the price of some items then a week later, lower the price because THEY are overstocked AND/OR the retailer is overstocked.
When you go into a store [ woollies,Coles, IGA, etc, etc ] Check the price of 3 items.

a. Coffee
b. Coke
c. Chocolate.

If these are overpriced [ you'll know ] walk out and shop else where.

Specials on Chocolate should equate near enough to $5 / kilo [ the supa-duppa blocks ]
Do your maths and work out what 250 grams should be - $1:25 to $1:50 Thats a supa special on small blocks where as Woolworth's the general store will sell the 400gm block for under $5:00

The marketers at Coke must think the general public is a moron,In bottles ALL coke should equate to $1:00 or less / Litre EXCEPT for the cans. These in packs of 24 or 30 or 36 should be sold at $0:50 or less / can. I've seen 2 litre coke at over $3:00 and thats IN woollies. Stuff you.

Last on the agenda is coffee, I don't mean the crappy kind that tastes like Vegemite either; I mean the good stuff. I buy Maccona in the big or medium jars. Normal bullshit price can be as high as $14:00 a jar but it SHOULD be sold at $11:00 or less and as low as $8:something, on special.

The price of THESE items, indicates the general pricing in the whole store. I do all my shopping at ALLDI except for nitch brands that they don't sell.

Public treated like crap - more of and tips

This little item should set a few brain cells thinking and wondering where the hell is social justice. Here;s how businesses treat the public and at the same time thumb their nose at regulations, as well as the body enforcing regulations really couldn't give a flying tosser.

As I always do; I NAME the mothers involved. The offender of social graces is 'BILLY BAXTER' Cafe located at the Westfield shopping complex in Kalanger - Anzac Parade next to the Bruce highway. My wife an I walk into said establishment, sit down, read the menu and decide what we will have. Because I had eaten earlier and only wanted a snack, I picked the KIDS meal fish and chips. I knew the adult or normal menu would be too much for me to eat and since this was on the menu; that's what I wanted.

When the wife order's her, she asked for the kids fish and chips. The tart behind the counter asked if it was for a child under 10 years. The wife said NO. The tart then said that she could not give her the order because the kid's meals were reserved for children under 10 years [ at this point she pointed to a blackboard menu up the back which read ' children's meals -10'. I pointed out that this was illegal because of the anti-discrimination laws, and further more, it was listed on the menu with no stated restrictions [ false advertising ].

No joy with the tart so we said ' we will eat elsewhere '. We left. I contacted the Anti discrimination section of government and they said I would have to file a formal complaint; wait a week or so to have it assessed. Once validated, arrangements would be made for a formal hearing with me and the shop owner. At this meeting we were [ or would ] discuss reconciliation and arbitration of the offense [ maybe list our comments on world events if there was time :). After these discussions, if I was not satisfied, I could go further with another body and paper shuffle the whole bull sh*t event until we all die of old age.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is YOUR tax dollar at work.

To the owner of 'BILLY BAXTER' or is it Billy Boofhead - Stuff you, this little incident is going to cost you a sh*t load in bad advertising.

To the Anti-Discrimination Department- Stuff you, I now know where to send these little business cock ups, the local news media.You Department is about as useful as tits on a bull but what really pisses me off is that I'M PAYING for you crap shovelers to sit on your arse and do all in your power to encourage the citizenry to shut up and wear it.

Story number 2; which made the national news media. Dick Smith is considering suing the Federal Government because the dropped a contract for new Aircraft which cost the public purse one BILLION dollars. It's gone - kaput - hooroo-never to be recovered. He sez ' We don't pay our taxes for polies to do this with the money'. Good on you Dickie. By the way, this represents approx $360 from the pockets of every working Australian. What are your chances of getting a $360 refund check from the tax office for this fuck up ????. There are ways and means, my dear watson :).

Story number3. [ I got a million of them ]. You may recall [ or NOT ] I told the tale some time back about a person living in Brisbane who was continually being booked for parking in front of his own flat. The council did not provide any parking for residences of the flats in that street. The solution has many, many, many angles. The best one was take out a miners right on the space outside your flat in the street. Put barricades around the spot and park there; however the cracker was - register a business name and demand the council make provision for you to park under the federal obstruction laws - or else be sued for obstructing a lawful business. I think I used this one for the guy who was fined for advertising a for sale sign in the back window of his car - which read - for sale $xxxxx phone xxxxxx. The trick here was to register the business name in the exact words of the for sale sign, then it's perfectly legal to put it on your car; it's the freeking business name!!!. There is NO restrictions of the business name except that it cannot be the same as one already registered. Watch them scratch their heads at this one.

Political correct bullsh*t - one

You know I'm convinced this country is rapidly being taken over by do-gooder's with about as much brains as a piece of chicken sh*t !! Apart from some of the lame-brain ideas by the summit selected group [ not to mention those ideas that were NOT mentioned that worked before Keeting and Hawke stuffed everything up ]; there are people in Government that would be scratching to find ANY brain cells.

Lets take some of the things that have been uttered by megalomaniac morons.

First off the rank is the State health ministers refusal to release medical records to the mob that need them to study cancer cases. This ignorant prick [ Robinson ] should be given the arse; I mean really, give me a break - saying it's a privacy concern is horse sh*t. Those records may be in the hands of the Government but they BELONG to the doctors [ last time I checked legislation - or am I living on Mars ?]. What's more, if the cancer study group just ASKED the freeking patients, THEY could get a complete copy of their medical records and pass them on to the council. Hey ! guys, did you think to mail out permission forms to the people whose records you hold ??? hell no; that would be too easy and SENSIBLE and perhaps cost a few bob. Well excuse me for living. This political correctness bullsh*t has gone too far and it's about time YOU citizens rolled up your ballot papers and screamed ' IVE HAD ENOUGH AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS CRAP ANYMORE'

That case is just the tip of the iceberg, here's another one pulled at random and just in the news. Certain groups [??] are concerned that parents may be overdosing their children with children's cough medicine which is 'over the counter'.
So what do these idiots propose [ drum roll please ]. They want to put children's cough medicine on the prescription list so if you want CHILDREN'S cough medicine for little Bau, you have to see the doctor first AND if HE deems it necessary, write a prescription for afore-said medicine. That methodology is not only useless but can actually promote the use of ADULT cough medicine to be given BY parents to their kids - albeit, in smaller doses. God save us all from lunatics in government. What you think parents are going to fork over money TWICE to get a lower strength medicine to give their kids ??. I think it's time you people checked out of life.

I got a million instances of idiotic proposals - so many, I would have to write a novel to cover them all.

Lets take the legislation proposal to fine parents if they give their LEGAL age kids a bucket load of money to buy booze or a bucket load of booze bought for them [ to carry on holidays in the back of a ute ].
What ?. Listen up - when you turn 18 you can legally buy a freeking pub and drink it dry if you want. It is NOT illegal to transport booze for your consumption. You do NOT have to explain to ANYONE where you got it, how you are going to drink it, or who paid for it - IF YOU ARE OF LEGAL AGE!!!!. It don't matter a tinkers curse who is in a vehicle that has booze in it, since the driver is of legal age DUUUUHH!!. You can be transporting the local kindergarten and as long as the booze is not consumed in the vehicle - get stuffed!!. In any event, how the hell can you charge ANYONE with anything.

I've shown elsewhere in this blog what alternative agendas are perpetrated by corrupt cops and others and if they think they have a chance in hell of making any legislation of this sort stick [ unless by total corruption of course :) ] then they are living in Disneyland. You take away parents rights and give their kids rights [ and NO responsibility ]. Now they say parents are responsible for their kids. I give up.

A bit of comic relief on events

Petrol – Abbo – Amex – Ballie.

Dit.. dit.. ditdit.. dit.. dit…latest in the news.


Petrol Prices jump ahead of long week end; Petrol chiefs deny price fixing despite lower oil barrel prices. Every other authority in universe sez profiteering blatant, price fixing bloody obvious, authorities ‘bought off’ because tax revenue increases.
FLASH.. new player in petrol market takes profiteering out of equation with tankers showing wholesale prices on side of vehicle – logo of new company is fat pig with wings and slogan ‘ you never had it so good’. – FLASH – marketing gurus for new petrol player save on printing costs with new, new slogan ‘ you never had it ‘.

Dit.. dit.. ditdit.. dit.. dit hot off press on a sesame seed bun.

Amex threatens to take accounting branch off shore [ to India or the dwarf planet Pluto ] because it costs them too much to employ Australian workers. Comment by Amex holders “ Take anything you like to freeking china or India BUT when I ring a company for info, the first thing I ask is ‘where are you located’. If it isn’t here in Oz, I hang up and ring a local branch of the company. I don’t want to deal with someone who can’t get your name right [ or even pronounce it correctly ], has piss poor English to start with and is being paid sh*t for wages while their company makes greater profits on these people’s financial and social circumstances – thus keeping them in third world status. Stuff you AMEX – take your whole company out of OZ, then see how your cost escalate when people refinance their credit card with another company, who fthe hell needs you. The great thing about competition in the market place is this. No matter how much market share a company has, as long as one other company exists that is NOT controlled by the fat crooks, these arrogant sons of bitches will pay dearly for dictating to the customer.

Dit.. dit.. ditdit.. dit.. dit . Bali holiday resorts rapidly going broke after second bomb attack. Government authorities comment ‘ how dare these arrogant tourists not come here. Just for that, we’ll send your drug mules to the firing squad.’. Comment by tourist on barrier reef. “ I was thinking of going to Bali because it’s dirt cheap BUT… what price your safety, what piece of mind when most of the officials are corrupt, [ gee - sounds like Queensland ] you could be framed for anything because you are not delirious happy with everything. Because of human rights concerns, I won’t go near any near east, middle east, or far eastern country in a fit – I value my personal freedom more and don’t want to risk being bombed by people who get a slap on the wrist by authorities for killing a score of tourists. Stuff Bali and that region of the planet in general. If I had 2 lifetimes and a bucket load of money, I still wouldn’t be able to cover most of this big beautiful land and see all it’s wonders – why the hell do I won’t to go overseas and see something I can experience in an IMAX theatre and be certain I won’t get bombed, or shot, or mugged, or arrested for spitting on the footpath, then thrown in jail without representation, denied my rights, framed for a minor crime, convicted in absentia and sentenced to death ?.

Dit.. dit.. ditdit.. dit.. dit

Peter ‘Batty’ say’s police officer who beat an indigenous Australian to death in custody, will remain on duty behind a desk while authorities ponder the mysteries of the universe and all it’s glory. Congratulations on a job well done sent to Peter from Indonesian Prime minister with comment ‘ Now your getting the idea – show these mothers whose boss ‘ Comments by other Australians too naughty to print but ‘ I told you so, you wankers ‘ injected into most retorts.