Saturday, August 1, 2009

PRACTICAL IDEAS BEING IGNORED because the PTB didn’t think of them

Here are just a few of the idea’s that people just refuse to adopt because of all sorts of bull sh*t excuses.

1. Auto industry. Cyclonic, magnetic oil filter [ think about it – insert smiley here]
2. Paint industry. On site paint matching and mixing for Pressure packs
3. Vacuum cleaners. Gear driven, rotating steel liner spring on Teflon sleeve for hoses to ‘corkscrew’ blockages into the receiver [ gave this one to Electrolux 20 years ago – still no manufacturer ] Cyclonic receivers are great to keep full container suction but first you have to GET IT THERE via a bloody hose that is the first thing to become blocked.
4. ERBR/ERBS glue and molding compound to glue and un-glue anything to anything without a part ‘2’ reactant in a tube. Mold plastics without electricity.
Strip circuit boards of sealing compound to repair them THEN use the same compound to seal them again.
5. A paint that changes color with micro current [ like the darkening window ]
Useful in billboards for multiple messages and a list too long to mention

I could go on for pages but what’s the point. The real point is, there are things that SHOULD be made, and CAN be made today with a shit load of will, a little R and D, a modest investment, and a shit load of money to be made at the end of it.

Anyone remember a documentary on the Aussie inventor who made a cinematography lens to do what no other lens make could do ??????.
Bugger me, that was almost 20 years ago still. Essentially it was called an
‘Infinity Lens’ for Micro/Macro photography; where by, no matter WHAT you were filming, the focal length was infinite. Everything from 1 cm to infinity was IN FOCUS. When you had an Ant in the whole picture at 1 cm, the background was always in focus. So what do you think the spectacle makers would do with this ??
BURY IT !!!! because NO-ONE would need prescription lenses any more [ including bi-focal ] One lens for everyone, one pair of glasses for everyone.
I think you get the picture – if not, go shoot yourself, your already brain dead.

Here is a little tip for people who have been unfortunate enough to have something stolen from their yard or even the family car from the car port.
Wire up a ‘break’ line to the object in question. A simple loop that alarms if the wire is broken. There are too many arrangements here to elaborate. The point is, in order for someone to steal the object and remove it from your premises [ or garden ] they have to ‘snap’ the cord away from the object [ pot plant, garden Nome, CAR, statue etc etc ] Wires can be hidden under gravel. Put a plug and socket on the car with the wire to the house wall or structure yadda yadda yadda.
I made a living doing this sort of business in another state many moons ago.

Simple but effective as most things stolen are done by morons of the first order who won’t SEE the wire or break it before they realize what it really is. Bell wire is cheap, batteries are cheap, siren modules are cheap and you don’t have to be an electrician to wire one up. Get a Dick smith DIY module kit for under $10.
The simple things work best, you don’t need to re-invent the wheel.

Adding on to this, a later post.

Before engine cylinder management systems were even thought of for fuel injected cars in Australia, I built one around the time the first FIC appeared on Aussie roads [ Holden – My father still has one in mint condition ]. I made the device from parts taken from a 1926 Telephone exchange and a washing machine [ no sh*t ]. It had cylinder compression inertial assisted breaking and rotational cylinder activation by speed and timing all done with relays and vacuum switches [ no electronics what-so-ever because they didn’t exist !!!]. Admittedly, it was the size of a shoe box but more importantly – it bloody well worked. I chucked it in the useless pile because petrol THEN was cheap and there wasn’t a need in the market for saving it.

Also, about this time, I made a covering to fit over a Hills Hoist. Made of clear plastic to let the sun shine through. I got sick and tired of birds crapping all over the washing I just hung out. Still waiting for this one guys – been waiting since the 70’s and that’s 40 freeking years yet [ hello everybody – the lights are on but nobody’s home.] .

How-za-bout self opening windows using drop weights in the casement [ and a button on the sill ]. Just like lift ones of old but slid sideways like all modern windows. OK, so reverse it !. A sliding window that shuts itself if left open triggered by rain, alarm setting, temperature and / or night fall etc etc. [ still nobody home; it’s lunch time in the walk of life ].

Solar panel made the shape of actual roof tiles [ or sky light panels ] was MY idea. Need more light or another power panel ?, just pull off another tile and match it perfectly with it’s solar or clear equivalent. The beauty of this is that there is nothing ugly on the roof to tell anyone it’s even there.

Double lined Steel and bladder Water storage tanks built into the exterior walls of a new house [ look ma – no tanks ] duel purpose insulation. Just don’t drill a hole in the wall to mount that hose reel unless you know WHERE the tanks are. Specific outside bricks can be etched to tell you where the OK spots are [ Called a ‘tick’ brick ] and so on and so forth till the end of time.

Simple [ and cheap ] e-field alarm system using a balanced core relay, 2 transistor circuit and a load of bell wire.

Hey guys, where’s the PROGRAMMABLE wireless door bell.
One wireless bell don’t cut it in a 3 story mansion. I need 4 wireless bells on the SAME Frequency activated by the one front door button, you wankers. Give us a 2 or 3 pack bell and one button that’s wireless battery or wireless 240 Volt plug in.
Edited on 7/11/2009.. UPDATE. Thank you ARLEC for showing some sense by bringing out just such a product at last. You now can buy packs of wireless door bells and packs of wireless push buttons that are ALL programmable with each other. Maybe some one in industry actually READS this blog [ Amazing!]

We have compulsory smoke detectors now but where is this circuit used in a range hood fan ?. [ Think about it people ]. The hood fan would regulate its speed according to detected fumes from the circuit [steam and/or burning food ] couple this with an audible alarm would stop a lot of fires on the stove and maybe save the house burning down [ put an auto stove shut off in it as well - so much can be done with a $10 circuit and a trip switch ] In top market stoves - a 1 litre fire retardant canister hidden in the hood could trigger IF actual flames hit the fan unit. Ruin the tea but save the house [ especially if you left the stove on and went OUTSIDE!]

So the above gives you some idea’s. I’m beginning to think I live in an alternate universe where the whole cosmos is ‘bent’.

A few more for the pot.

How many times have you wished the lights over the stair well would turn on when you are at the top or bottom in the dead of night ? [ or maybe illuminate that wall painting when you walk by and ONLY when you walk by ] Simple – just use a IR sensor in the ceiling or pressure mat under the carpet. You don’t need a massive power bill because those paintings have a spotty on them 24/7. Makes a handy night light to see the switch for the room lights. [ But keep the dog outside ].

We have emergency exit lights for power fail or fire but what about painting the floor in a clear solution that glows red in the presence of floor triggered lighting ?.[ big fat arrows in florescent red because your crawling on your guts under the smoke and looking at the floor from 6 inches while the emergency sign is at ceiling level hidden by the smoke – IDIOTS! ] Where’s the thin color lines in the floor tiles of buildings starting from reception so you can get to a particular department [ Hospitals ? ] Just follow your color on the floor. Saw this one in another state but no where else in the last 20 years. What ?. Here's an idea. Walk in the front door of a big hospital, go to a rack and take a paper card with the dept 'u' want on it. The card has a cheap bar code on it and a color. As you walk up the corridor, wall mounted laser scanners pick up the bar code your carrying and the appropriate color on the card is displayed on small arrows in the wall at the end of each corridor. You only have to look ahead to the next turn and see your color flashing and pointing in the direction you need to go. Hell, apply this to a huge underground parking lot [ I've lost my car at chermside more than once ] A cheap paper duel strip - one you carry and one on the inside windscreen of your car yadda yadda yadda. Now run with this idea you brainiacs :)

Where’s the inside push button ‘pop-out’ rope ladder that can be attached under windows on the outside of houses [ in a pretty and color matching cylinder ] to escape in case of fire in a high set dwelling ?.

Want to have a moisture detector in case of leak from a pipe or sink overflow or a place where you need to know if water has spilled on a surface. You can use an electronic detector OR 2 thumb tacks, a soluble aspirin and a clothes peg attached to a bell, beeper, the dogs tail – what-ever. Cheap, replaceable, reliable. Just threw that one in for fun. But hey, you need to know it’s starting to rain if the clothes are on the line.

Where are our do good Philanthropist's who can get these ideas from the ordinary Joe Pay packet to the real world ?

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