Friday, February 25, 2011

Gillard stuffing this country up

comments and replies from our P.M.

"I think Australians voted for action on climate change. I believe Australians are persuaded of the science of climate change. The science is in and they want to see us get on with it."

Oh so you THINK we voted for action on climate change. What gives you the sh*t arse gall in running a country on what you THINK we want ?.well your wrong you piece of sh*t for brains, nor are we persuaded on the flawed total garbage of unscientific crap regarding climate change. why don't you sit down and have an open debate with professor Bob Carter, who is a REAL scientist - or better yet, google '7 torpedoes' on the net and watch it. The science is NOT in, what's in is total unscientific garbage and CONSENSUS is NOT science, in case you want to use this over done word like Penny Wong who couldn't answere a straight forward simple question on radio.

During the election campaign last year, Ms Gillard declared: "There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead".

This is documented, are we all DEAF ?, I heard it said by her.

Ms Gillard joined Australian Greens leader Bob Brown and two independents earlier on Thursday to announce a carbon pricing system to cut emissions and tackle climate change.

A tipical case of poly 'lead speech' know how it works ? You make a blatently obviouse statement there followed by an utterly rediculous one attached to the end of it - you know like the second part follows logically from the first. Sure carbon tax will cut emissions [ and send us broke ] but it will do jack sh*t, f**k all for the world climate. This statement is total unmitigated nonsence. A case of the non existant cure is 10,000 times worse than the desease.

The scheme would involve a yet-to-be-determined price per tonne of carbon emissions from July 1, 2012, followed by an emissions trading scheme (ETS) with a flexible price in three to five years.

Sorry Julie baby, it will NEVER happen, the people of this country are just a lot smarter than you think they are. USA, CHINA, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA have said 'f**k the carbon tax, f**k the ETS' so you think we can make a difference to world climate change [ actually about 0.001 degree which is less than nothing ] A volcano wipes out 2 years of this in ONE DAY of eruption. I know, lets build a bunch of mamoth corks and plug all the active volcanoes - your living in Disneyland and it's about to be demolished.

"Tony Abbott has only got one speed and that's to oppose everything," she said.

Can you blame him ?. Every thing this federal government has done since day one in office has been a total f**k up, but that's been the typical methodology since federation. Labour f**ks it up, Liberal has to fix it - Labor f**ks the fix-up, Liberal has to fix it again. Holy snapping duck sh*t, do we have to do an Egyptian revolt to straigten these mental retards out ?.

"We will see a fear campaign from Tony Abbott. That's the only thing he knows how to do. He will be out there actively misleading Australians with false and baseless figures."

So where are your scientific figures ????
haven't seen ONE true scientist in parliament [ Denis Jensen was crucified for daring to disagree and he IS a scientist in a state parliamemnt - see BOB CARTERS video ]

Asked whether she would go as far as calling an election to win support for a carbon price, Ms Gillard said she was prepared to do what it took to win the debate and achieve a price on carbon on July 1, 2012.

How true, f**k the facts, do anything to push her alternative agenda of taxing the Australian people to death because they have squandered all the hard earned tax on stupid, ill-concieved, badly run scemes

I want to be clear. My commitment to the Australian people is: we will have the election at the ordinary time in the ordinary course, in 2013," she told Sky Television.

NO ! your commitment is to your alternative agenda no matter who tells you your wrong. You can't stand to be wrong - you just got to save face and push this bull sh*t forward. Your a stubborn donkey and you won't be in another term, that's a certainty provided the stupid minority voters wake up

"And I want to go to that election with a carbon price having started on July 1, 2012."

you may go to the election with this but it will be like shooting yourself in the head

But she said half the revenue - which one estimate puts at $15 billion a year - raised from the tax was likely to be used to compensate householders, while some funds could go towards clean and green public transport.

Read carefully - " WAS LIKELY TO BE USED FOR "
a bull sh*t way of saying 'I'll use it like I see fit and f**k the voters'
So we are going to give someone a bunch of our money for the privelidge of them giving us back some of it ????. Are you crazy ? or do you think WE ARE ?

Has this country gone insane ? Why are we tollerating this crap ? ARE YOU ALL BRAIN DEAD ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????