I have been trying for someone to answer a question that I have posted on many forums which
1. disappear after posting in 2 hours
2. never get posted
3. dump me out of the post ... I mean posts in every forum even though I can post everything else [ no kidding]
The question is this [ if I don't get an answer it means there are forces in Australia that reach to the bowles of every politician]
" you put a cigarette in your mouth; you essentially ingest it [ via your lungs but also your gut ] WHY IS THERE NO CONTENTS INFORMATION ON A PACKET OF CIGARETTES ???"
My answer is simple... if the public knew what cigarette processors ADDED to the tobacco [ 40 chemical compounds ] they would probably mount class action
on every tobacco processing factory on the planet going back at least 50 years, thus sending them broke. Nicotine is not addictive - got that -nicotine is NOT addictive.
What IS addictive is the shit companies are ALLOWED to put in it with every bull shit excuse under the sun. I switched to chop-chop reciently. My cravings disappeared,
my smoking was cut by 90%, I saved a fortune in costs. I was smoking TOBACCO!, not a chimical cocktail. So the question remains. What politician is going to risk
causing the biggest coo in human history by investigating what companies are allowed to put into tailor made cigarettes in order to keep smokers addicted to them
and thus continue the gargantuan tax revenue FROM them. I would not only be waiting with baited breath as to YOUR answer but whether this e-mail is buried inside
the pandora box, never to be mentioned by anyone. Lets see if I'm right or wrong.
So far, not a peep, not a squeek, not so much as a 'by your leave ' from anyone who is anyone.
But the question still aint gunna disappear, dear friends, until YOU ALL get an answere.
Now the real question is WHO will try and bury this information and try ever so desperatlty with all the resources available to see that this question remains a non event ?.
Here is the answere I got from one well known forum..
Your general discussion thread entitled "The question NOBODY will answere ..
lets see if this question is covertly zapped" has been rejected by the moderator.
The reason it doesn't get posted has nothing to do with a conspiracy and
everything to do with the fact that it is poorly written and gets its facts
wrong. Why don't you get someone to help you with it and you'll probably get
a different response."
Notice a few things. Firstly it tells me why It didn't get posted. It's poorly written ?
That's an excuse ?; considering the fact that some people have posted in computereez with
unknown abreviations, MISPELLING! and grammar that is more attrocious than anything I
could write. Sorry fellows, this is itself utter bullshit. It gets it's facts wrong ?
So they are essentially saying that cigarette companies DO NOT put all these additives in.
Excuse me ????. I wouldn't be asking the question if my premise based on it was not correct.
Hey! wankers. I don't know who you have been talking to but I've had a fucking tour of
Phillip Morris in the USA from someone who works there. This is the VERY conspiracy I am
trying to expose, so I suggest YOU get YOUR facts straight or do I have to name the stuff they use
to process tobacco. Finally, the answere to getting it published is "get someone else to help you
with it" and do fucking what??? I can tell you plenty about what is wrong with a subject
WITHOUT actually telling you how to fix it, there by garenteeing it will NEVER be published
because I didn't actually tell you HOW to get it published. So it don,t matter squat
who helps me without knowing the parameters TO get it published.
And you think I'm paranoid just because I ask a question and KNOW the parameters surounding
the question to start with ?
OK, so here is alittle number taken off the net.. look for it, you will find it atWhat's In Cigarette Smoke?
Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other toxins. These include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT.
Nicotine is highly addictive [ WRONG!!!!!.. this statement can apply to only a few people as everyone is addicted to something. I'm addicted to chocolate and fruit juice - what does that mean ??. Food scientists will tell you this general statement is UTTER BULLSHIT !]. Smoke containing nicotine is inhaled into the lungs, and the nicotine reaches your brain in just six seconds.
Nicotine in small doses acts as a stimulant to the brain. In large doses, it's a depressant, inhibiting the flow of signals between nerve cells. In even larger doses, it's a lethal poison, affecting the heart, blood vessels, and hormones. Nicotine in the bloodstream acts to make the smoker feel calm.[ If you take too many aspirins, that will kill you too instead of protecting you like it does in correct dosage]
As a cigarette is smoked, the amount of tar inhaled into the lungs increases, and the last puff contains more than twice as much tar as the first puff. Carbon monoxide makes it harder for red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Tar is a mixture of substances that together form a sticky mass in the lungs.
Electronic cigarettes are the best new option for smokers.
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Most of the chemicals inhaled in cigarette smoke stay in the lungs. The more you inhale, the better it feels—and the greater the damage to your lungs.
Cigarette Maker Now Lists Ingredients
For the first time, an American tobacco company has begun listing long-secret ingredients contained in its cigarettes directly on the label. Yesterday, Liggett Group Inc. introduced cartons that the company plans to begin using that list the ingredients in its L&M cigarettes, including molasses, phenylacetic acid and the oil of the East Indian mint called patchouli. The move comes as the state of Massachusetts is trying to compel disclosure of all ingredients by all cigarette makers, an effort that other major tobacco companies are fighting.
Liggett, which broke with the industry by signing the first settlements ever with states and private attorneys suing it, supports the Massachusetts effort as well. "Liggett believes that its adult consumers have a right to full disclosure," Liggett head Bennett S. LeBow said in a statement. Along with blended tobacco and water, the 26-item L&M list includes high fructose corn syrup, sugar, natural and artificial licorice flavor, menthol, artificial milk chocolate and natural chocolate flavor, valerian root extract, molasses and vanilla extracts, and cedarwood oil. Less familiar additives include glycerol, propylene glycol, isovaleric acid, hexanoic acid and 3-methylpentanoic acid.
Some 600 ingredients are used in American cigarettes, but a Liggett spokesman said the L&M statement was a "quite exhaustive list" of every ingredient used in that brand.
Ingredients in tobacco products have never been proved harmful -- especially when compared with the many toxins found in tobacco smoke itself. But activists have long pushed for disclosure of the ingredients, in part because consumers tend to be more wary of risks imposed upon them by others than of the risks they knowingly choose.
The companies have provided lists of ingredients to the federal Department of Health and Human Services for more than a decade, but government officials are legally not allowed to release the information. The industry also presented a composite list of 599 additives to congressional investigators in 1994, but that was never officially made public.
David Remes, an attorney who represents the four other tobacco companies challenging the state of Massachusetts, said the case comes down to the industry's right to protect its trade secrets.
So there it is. I guess I was wrong; it aint 40 additives, broken down it's 6,000 compounds and some the processors REFUSE to divulge under the patent act, just like coca-cola with it's secrete ingrediants. WOW!! have the smoking public been had big time.