Monday, January 7, 2008

Upcoming stories, comentaries, opinions

Some of the stories that may interest some [ but not a lot ] will deal with the following topics.
I will start as far back as is applicable to this city because I have kept all relevant material from my original defunct blog. Some of you [ if I'm lucky :) ] may even know about them. well here is your opportunity to revise what has been said and known as far back as 5 years ago.
1. endemic hidden and covert police and public servant corruption
2. Why censorship of ANY description is gone forever despite the rantings, ravings, posturing and apparent appeasement of the powers that be that either know jack s*it how and why the internet operates - or thinks that YOU don't. A real eye opener for the dumb and nothing new to us techno junkies.
2. Revelations on public transport and why we're stuck with total chaos for at least a decade no matter how much of YOUR money the PTB [ powers that be ] throw at it.
4. The short comings in traffic management that could save lives and agro
5. Selected business that think they can get away with screwing the public, take short cuts to save money, and cause you more agro
6. Idea's that I [ and hundreds of other joe pay packets ] have submitted to PTB and have been ignored for decades
7. Tips and naughty tricks to frustrate people that frustrate you.
8. Covert and hidden agendas by PTB to strip you of your rights, your privacy, and mostly your money.

As time and a half goes by, I will submit these and other instantaneous goodies for you amusement and to get your brains turning over.

Your guide to the index

I have set this out so a viewer might easily find related topics. Although the topics may not be in strict order; I will reference those topics that are connected [ or continuing sagas ] at the end of each part. Of course there will be no reference until the next part is composed. Previous blogs have left my topics all over the place like a diary or a mad woman's s*it. It's a surprise to find one that lets you put an index on the side to make following a story line easier. I cannot find any reference in this site to allow or forbid comments which may be a disadvantage if some mental retard wants to flood my area with crap or mindless unconnected dribble. Only time will tell.

You can bet your buns I am going to name people, places and organizations who have well and truly pis*ed me off and the index will give you guidance as to what that particular story is about.
I will not put anything in this blog that is rumor [ unless I state such ] or is , to the best of my personal knowledge, not true. Some stories go as far back as 5 years ago because the bull sh*t that happened THEN, is still going on now and despite half the control freak world knowing about it; not a bloody thing has been done or even SEEN to be done.
Not even the local retailer or business group is immune from my vitriol at their mindless, dumb ass antics. It is hoped I can at least warn some people of these mental morons out there and if I cost then a sh*t load of money in lost custom or business, all the better. You should not have to go through some of the things I have and I'm doing my bit to help you avoid them or at least know how to stay sane when these events are thrust upon you.
How many out there have come up with a good idea for anything under the sun; informed people about it; told to go away; it'll never fly, it's stupid, it cost too much, it's too big, too small, too fat, too thin to anything AND then some power broker comes up with your idea a year later and the sun shines out of his ar*e ??. Nearly everyone on the planet. Well I am going to toot my own horn somewhat [ ego purpose only ] and have a lot of you saying ' Hey!! that was my idea back in the stone age'. I believe you because most great idea's DO come from ordinary folk and by the law of theoristics, the same idea is conceived by hundreds of people at the same time.
These pointers will be highlighted in the index as the blog expands.
Some stories will be incredibly looooooooong winded; they have to be to hammer home and wake people up as to what is REALLY going on. Trust me, when you see these stories, it's worth a sh*t load to follow the whole thing from start to finish or you will become like the rest of the sheep out there and say ' Who cares - can't ever happen to me - what can I do about it - tough sh*t mate, that's life or a plethora of other excuses not to set a few things right in this city, this state, this country. You do yourself a gross disservice if you do NOT follow a story of interest to the bitter end.

In the begining

In the famous words of the 'golden tonsils' - HELLO WORLD. But in particular, Brisbane, where-in I reside. I started this blog after closing down another blog, because things in general with the world and particularly Brisbane - Queensland, are going from bad to worse. Here I will concentrate my comments on things that EVERYONE should be concerned about [ both bad and good - what ever good comes of it ]. All too often, the general attitude towards things that go wrong is, she'll be right, who cares, what can I do about it. There are several points of view to those answers and I intend to put mine right here and let YOU think about it. If you disagree, fine, who gives a s**t, that leaves me with the opinion that you have forgotten to use that mass between your ears. Most of what's said in this blog is......
1. already known by the powers that be but to save their a*se, they will pretend it doesn't exist, or it's paranoia on my part [ despite proof absolute ]
2 Is unknown to certain powers that be because, the corrupt underlings have purposefully and deliberately kept it hidden.
3. Has been revealed to them previously by yours truly but ignore it because nobody else will find out anyway and besides which ' I wont be in office when the sh*t hits the fan'
4.blatantly obvious to the informed and the uninformed refused to believe it because they are just that and still believe ignorance is bliss

So their you have this opening page. Here I will praise the goodly intentioned and their deeds, crucify the corrupt s.o.b's who do all in their power to make life as difficult as possible to for the rest of us just because they can. Because I live in Brisbane Australia, most of my comments will pertain to that excuse for toilet paper - the 'Courier mail'. This does not mean, however, that I let other publications off the hook. Nothing is sacred in this blog and political correctness is out the f*cking window. So to are accusations of bias, racism, and anything else that restricts my god given right to free speech. So be warned - I'm going to tell it like it is [ and some of it from personal experience ].