Tuesday, December 21, 2010



I posted a lot of articles on other forums concerning all the bullsh*t, corrupt practices by this sh*t government; most of which were removed because I told it like it was. Well f**k you whirlpool forums and the rest of the wankers running these sites. Now I going to show you what I wrote which would have some corrupt officials trying to charge me for suggesting criminal activity. So free speech is finally stamped out in Queensland ?.

These are the things that have been done by criminal elements in other countries and indeed, here in Australia, to get revenge on authorities that otherwise treated the public as cash cow morons. I DO NOT ADVOCATE ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES, BUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO IS OF NO CONCERN TO ME; I JUST REPORT WHAT I HEAR.


Back in the 60’s in another state, a friend of a friend of a friend of mine was really pissed off by the way he was treated by the state electricity authority. The reason is not important but he wanted to really stuff them up well and truly. The first suggestion was mix up some 2 part epoxy and walk up a suburban street late at night – stuff epoxy into the key holes of the street pole padlocks that release the EHT breakers, next, stuff the epoxy into the house distribution cover keyholes of streets with UNDERGROUND cable power [These are the white pyramid covers every few houses – usually located between 2 houses and distribute power to the house meter box].

One bright spark came up with the blackout method. A stocking [or leg of pantyhose today] with a small heavy object on the bottom. To the other end of the stocking, he attached about 3 meters [10 feet] of light gauge bare copper wire. You now have a sling shot with a wire tail. No guesses for what this does. The fool actually tested it one night in MY suburb [Another state]. It was the next day I asked what he did with the sling shot and he said he just swung it around, launched it over street lines and when the trailing wire bridged the lines, the local street transformer tripped the breaker. “ great, I was watching IMT and you blacked us all out for an hour you wanker’.

Today of course, this sort of activity would get you a one way trip to a 10 by 10 room with iron bars [If you get caught, that is]. A more modern and LEGAL method.


- Is to use the mass retaliation for corruption method.

This method requires EVERYONE who has had enough of price hikes, official corruption and money down the gurgler with bullsh*t schemes. I recon that covers most of us. You have to be prepared to put up with DELIBERATELY PLANNED BLACKOUTS but at a time you KNOW will happen so that you can prepare for it.

Here we go –

The electricity grid is in such a state at the moment, generators have to be geared up for predicted, anticipated load at certain times [these are peak load times]. We all know when they occur and balancing the grid is almost like air traffic control; I kid you not.
When something untoward happens, it’s a mad scramble to balance the grid so that some areas don’t go into overload, and other area’s don’t get ‘brownout’ with low voltage or voltage ‘drag’. By KNOWING where the load will occur and what time it predictable happens, power distribution control can swing in generators and route feed lines to accommodate the load. All fine and dandy, dandy and fine.
But what happens when there is a MASSIVE UNPREDICTABLE LOAD at a time when it should NOT occur – AND – in an area that never experiences these massive loads ????
What we have then is an area black out if the feed lines cannot handle the surge [Breakers trip] before the power distribution people can swing in extra generators or feed routers.

YOU CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN LEGALLY from your own home. Just like the instant crowd days, all it takes is for everyone in a suburb or area to switch on everything AT THE SAME TIME for just a few minutes when the load is not anticipated. The grid has been looted of profits for maintenance for years by corrupt governments and it is NOW in such a state, that anything abnormal can knock out a whole suburb. A truck hits a power pole and instead of taking out a street or two, the whole suburb or maybe 3, gets an instant blackout. The sudden surge trips a breaker – which in turn pulls instantaneous surge load from branch feeds – which [because the lines are at maximum rated load still and not upgraded for freeking years] causes a domino effect and blacks out street after street after street until the bulk surge is dropped to manageable levels at the area substation.

All this takes is someone, somewhere in this fair state to organize a ‘kill the power site’ on the net - where by notification is given where and when the people promoted surge is to occur.

What will happen ?

Well, for a start, the people participating [and it takes nearly everyone in an area or even a street to do it] will know when the power will fail because they will be promoting it. The participants can now have a time scale to prepare their house for the blackout [which should last for less than 30 minutes]. It doesen’t matter a pinch of sh*t if the lead in time is days or even a week or two; the line capacity JUST ISN”T THERE TO HANDLE IT in suburbs that do not have industry that uses this massive surge. That’s the whole point…. Suburbs that are residential [especially older suburbs] and are zoned NEVER to be industrial, just haven’t got the redundancy surge value to handle a massive draw on the lines that would otherwise never occur. If the idea gets as big as ‘WIKILEAKS’ the power companies would have a heart attack trying [and failing] to cope with these loads.

Here’s how it would work – at the time and date specified, a particular area, or suburb, would have all it’s residential users run around the house and switch on EVERYTHING at once [NOT computers or other equipment in use that can’t put up with data loss on black out at this time – otherwise, turn them on too] Turn on the stove [all hotplates], the air con’s, Fans, Bar heaters, the lights, the solar HW booster, the radio, the TV’s, plug in and run the vacuum cleaner, the washers, dryers on hot, the dishwasher, the bloody lot for just 5 minutes at the appointed time. Blackout guaranteed. Make sure your OWN switchboard can handle this. Otherwise you will have a blackout before the area surge is detected.

This idea is a spin off from the ‘kill petrol prices’ idea which, incidentally, actually worked in the early 1950’s in Melbourne because everyone took part and it didn’t cost a penny to do it; just a little time. I’ll explain this one shortly because you can slash the price of petrol in this country by using the ‘buy only what you need’ method. The trouble with most Australians is that we have become so ‘Laid back’ and downright apathetic to problems we tend to look after numero uno and bugger anyone else. Well the time has come [the Walrus said] to shake off this in ground attitude and ORGANISE. F**k me, we elected these pricks to look after our interests and it becomes more apparent that they just couldn’t give a rat’s arse about you and me – as long as there is the fast buck at the end of it all. Surly there is SOMEONE out there with enough will and clout to set something like this up and bring these bastards to their knees. I for one will happily participate knowing full well [being in electrics for 44 years] that it DOES work, it WILL work, it CAN work and the results are at the least, total power company chaos. I reiterate; the methodology is perfectly LEGAL. You pay for power, you pay for ALL the power you can draw and nobody can dictate WHEN you draw that power. The cost for 5 minutes max draw is about an hours worth of normal draw [less than $2 in a quarterly power bill].

If you rotate different area’s picking just those that are residential only, each area would only have to do it ONCE in 2 years – and that’s picking a time every day of the week.

Worth a really long ponder, I recon [If the right people actually READ all of this]