I was listening to parliament today [thur 26 May ] and I couldn't believe my ears when the [assistant] prime minister - Julia Gizzard made some outrageous and blatently rediculous statements. If it were not for parliamentry regulations, the public or rather, the top scientists could sue her for absolute lies.
She said .. " Carbon dioxide is a green house gas and the science is well and truely in; that it is the cause of present global warming. China and Russia have initiated carbon trading to help blah blah blah"
F*UCKING WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ??. Well I guess she never listened in high scool, or did she ever GO to high school. A bloody moron knows that CO2 is f*cking well heaver than air, so how in the be-jezzus does it concentrate in the upper atmosphere. It represents less that 2% of all global influencing gasses [ water vapor being the main green house gas - 80% or more].
The atmosphere is homeostatic because of water vapour [ It self regulates the climate with clouds]. The CO2 concentration has increased by 4% in the last 8 years but the average global temperature has been in STATUS !!!. Nearly every scientist in the world has PROVEN that man made CO2 does NOT influence the global weather SWINGS [changes in the short term - decades].CO2 concentration LAGS global weather change, NOT causes it. Australia represent 2% of all global emmisions [ including the dangerous green house gasses like flurocarbons]. If Australia ceased to exist tomorrow, the change in temperature over a decade or MORE would be 0.01 degrees centigrade - almost unmeasurable] The Iclandic volcano has spewed out in ONE day enough crap to cancel 2 years worth of zero carbon output of the whole of Australia.
Where the f*ck has she been ? on another planet ?.
China, Russia and India have said 'Get stuffed' and have absolutly no intention of starting carbon trading. China is ramping up it's coal fired power stations by 500% in the next decade.
"Plain packaging of cigarettes has been proven by studies, to decrease the number of smokers"
BULL SHIT on all counts - What studies, by whom, when, where are the documents. Blatent, out and out f*cking lies. In fact, studies suggest the following.
Tobacco companies will be FORCED to
1. Sue for copywrite and patent compensation
2. form ILLEGAL cartels
3. Reduce the price of cigarettes to nearly half what they are since all packaging from all manufacturers can be done by the ONE company at reduced cost - so lowering the price is gunna LOWER the number of smokers ????. You gotta be f*cking kidding.
You don't need half a brain to see this bull shit for what it is.
I really think Professor Bob Carter NEEDS to address parliament on the climate and carbon issue or sue the bastards for treating the general public like morons of the first order.
What REALLY surprised me was that the opposition sat there without so much as a 'by your leave' and said NOTHING [??????]
Thursday, May 26, 2011
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