Wednesday, July 29, 2009

About Robinson

About Stephen Robertson

Stephen Robertson

Stephen Robertson is Queensland’s Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade, and Member for Stretton. He was first elected to the Queensland Parliament in 1992.

Prior to that, he worked in a number of research and advocacy positions in the trade union movement including State Secretary and National President of the United Firefighters Union of Australia.
[ He was a lackey and 'yes' man for Martin Fergison - who was a stand over merchant in the union movement - more jobs for the boys in Labor]

During his parliamentary career, Mr Robertson has served as Secretary of the Parliamentary Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier, Chair of the Small Business Advisory Council, member of the Queensland Innovation Council and the Queensland Food Industry Council. [ You would think that with all this experience, he would be a good man for all seasons. Unfortunately, in my experience, these people are discreetly gotten rid of because they know too much. In Robinsons case however - it's a case of incompetence so he is shuffled from one portfolio to the next ]

In December 1999, Mr Robertson was promoted to Minister for Emergency Services.[ Which he promptly stuffed up for all time - now nothing can fix it accept a massive overhaul of the system ] Following the 2001 state election he was appointed Minister for Natural Resources and Mines and then Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy after the 2004 election. [ He in actual fact was 'demoted' or rather moved sideways after stuffing up the health services. No doubt there was collusion, bribes and jobs for the boys in this position. ]

During this period, Mr Robertson was responsible for driving major reforms including the cessation of broad-scale tree clearing in Queensland, [ now in a minor role here - he stuffed up the timber industry which is all but decimated.] a landmark state-wide native title agreement allowing access by the mining industry to traditional lands for exploration; [ And a bucket load of royalties for people who are whiter than I am. Of course, the real Aboriginal couldn't give a toss for money but the 1/64 cast screw ups will gladly take all the money and distribute it unevenly amongst the 164 councils around the state, which exist to suck this country dry of funds ] the introduction of Australia’s first ever Wild Rivers legislation to protect our last remaining pristine river systems [ of which there are stuff all compared to the total river systems ] and the independent review into the state’s electricity distribution sector resulting in a major upgrade to the security and reliability of Queensland’s power distribution system. [ total double speak bullsh*t, else we would be leading the world in photo-voltaic generation. Having totally stuffed every position given him, this moronic idiot even looks like 'steady eddy' or a refugee from hell and now proceeds to stuff up yet another totally stuffed portfolio as electricity minister. If I had the god given devine power, I would make this arse hole disappear into oblivion and keep him right away from any position of responsibility ]

In July 2005, Mr Robertson was appointed Minister for Health where he oversaw the implementation of the $10b – 5 Year Health Action Plan. [ read my bit about how the states fund medicare and you get the picture ] This represents the largest ever injection of new funding into Queensland’s public health system combined with an extensive organizational and service delivery reform program. [ More bullsh*t - where's all the services Stevo ?? what did you spend the money on, bribes to cover up all the stuff-ups ???] In 2007, Mr Robertson was elected Chair of the Australian Health Ministerial Council.[ Reward for effectively hiding all the bribes - remember, this is the tosser who rubber stamped Jayant Patyle's appointment - get the picture ?]

After the recent election, Mr Robertson was appointed Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade. [ Appointed my arse - he was TOLD where he was being shifted too ]

Mr Robertson was born in Aberdeen Scotland on 14 February 1962. He has a Bachelor of Arts from Griffith University,[ A degree any moron can get these days - just put in the time and it will be sweet ] graduating with honours from the School of Modern Asian Studies. [ Ummmm Asian studies. Wonder if he's got a hand somewhere in Asian interests trying to buy all Queensland Resources ?]

His local achievements include a new police station at Calamvale; a police shopfront at Sunnybank; the Runcorn Community Sports Complex, the new Calamvale Community College and the new $16m P - 12 Stretton State College. [ Sounds like he studied Batty Beaties methods, so don't dare criticize him else the cops will show up at your door and confiscate every PC you own accusing you of having child porn ]

Stephen actively promotes closer cultural and economic links with Asia and is a strong campaigner against racism. [ And when the Asian's get here, they will prove to you that they mean you no harm - just confirm it with Stevo ]


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