Saturday, January 12, 2008

how to Defeat Road Radar rubbish - maybe :)

I have not personally inspected the workings of these cameras but I have been informed by someone who is conversant with their operation and knows how a mechanism must work to imprint additional information on hard film.

So the government is determined to crack down on speed demons by putting up stationary radar sites all over the shop [ eventually ] This is a typical case of treating the symptom and not the cause. Lets examine this methodology. If radar traps [ and thats all they are- traps ] were placed according to accident rates at those spots - well,
it would be a challenge to argue against it but when they are placed where there hasn't been an accident on that particular stretch of road since moses was a lad; that's just blatant revenue gathering. Some dick heads shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel not because of speed but WHERE they speed. I will expand on this later but first lets examine HOW the radar camera works hee hee !.

Because of legislation, radar cameras MUST use film and not electronic data gathering. Now if your unlucky enough to be 'flashed' by a stationary radar [ on a pole ] you will certainly get a little notice in the mail which will contain a nice picture of your car [ plates clearly visible ] and a time, date stamp as well as the recorded speed. Gotcha!!!. What most of you DONT know is HOW that date, time, speed stamp is superimposed on the film. The camera has to record images from 2 different locations - YOU in the lens and the data information from inside the camera [ everyone got that so far ? ]. In order to achive a double location image, the camera must use POLARIZED lenses [ getting the picture yet ?] one lens is polarized verticle and one horizontal [ like your sunglasses dummy ]. In order for only the data info to go to the film, the actual data is polarized so that garbage is filtered out, same with the actual lense gear. Which way the lens gear is polarized is as yet unknown but that doesn't present a problem here.

If I get one sheet of polarized film or plastic [ it will appear absolutely clear ] cut it in half, rotate one bit 90 degrees and butt the ends THEN slap it over my number plate; I have half a number plate polarized horizontal and half polarized vertical.

When the camera takes a picture of YOUR plate - either the numbers OR the letters will appear blacked out !!!! depending on which way the camera lens is polarized. Legislation dictates that if the picture does not identify the vehicle by plates - in the bin it goes. Thats why NOW these stationary cameras take a picture from behind to catch motor cycles [ which do not have front plates ] be sure to put the polarized film on both front and rear of a car. The legality of this is questionable but the reality is, its absolutely undetectable because the polarized film is absolutely glass clear from any angle and the plate is easily read by eyeball.

I have not confirmed absolutely this method and until proven, it's a 50/50 each way bet - but it sounds reasonable. Who wants to try it out and report on this blog ??

I am adding this bit because soon there will be NO toll booths on the gateway. If you do not have a transponder to register on the detector as you go thru, a camera will take a picture of your number plate from behind. You have 7 days to pay the toll.
Motor cycles have a rear [ and ONLY a rear ] number plate. Just watch how many cycles wizz through with a phoney plate [ stuck on by magnets over the real one ]
Seems old cycle plates kept by some will be worth a sh*t load to others, check e-bay guys and see what some are going for hee hee hee!. How much trouble is it to chuck a lump of mud on the rear plate of a car also. The Dept will spend more time chasing down unrecognised plates than collecting legit cash. Give up guys, even a copper couldn't detect when and if a car or cycle plate is phony when thousands of vehicles will whiz thru every hour.

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